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Telomeres. Verhoeven, J. E., Révész, D., Wolkowitz, O. M. and Penninx, B. W.J.H. (2014), Cellular aging in depression: Permanent imprint or reversible process?. BioEssays, 36: 968–978. doi:10.1002/bies.201400068.) Schematic: © Annika Röhl (Permission granted)


Verhoeven, van Oppen, Révész, Wolkowitz, and Penninx, published a study in 2016, titled, Depressive and Anxiety Disorders Showing Robust, but Non-dynamic, 6-year Longitudinal Association with Short Leukocyte Telomere Length.

Reading & Resources

Bio Acoustic Alchemy is committed to research and development of self-care that works to unwind the patterns and behaviors that no longer serve. Elevation of consciousness and developing spiritual emergence is the way through to the inner essence calling your soul.


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Recommended Authors:


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Handbook/New Paradigm

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Carolyn McMakin

Tonier Cain (Autob)

Stephen Levine

Christina Grof

Joe Dispenza

Dharma S. Khalsa

D. Shannahoff-Khalsa

Guru Singh

Dalai Lama


Diane Zimberoff

David Hartman

Alice Miller

B. Van der Kolk

Gabor Mate

Tian Dayton

Jordan Smoller

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Melody Beattie




Yogi Bhajan

S. B. Singh Khalsa

Rupert Sheldrake

Robert Whittaker

Jason Marsh, et. al

Irving Kirsh

Joachim-Ern. Berendt

Dawson Church

Lois Cozolino

A little science make a big difference!

A team of scientists looked at the caps on the ends of chromosomes and determined that the lengths of these ‘caps’ called telomeres, indicate susceptibility to illness and also form a record of genetic health. Not only for the subject, but the length of these caps reflect parental health. In other words, a single person may be healthy due to increased economic status or nutritional excellence, but the state of the body of the parental units showed up in telomere length.


Telomerase, the enzyme secreted by the telomeres is identifiable and measureable in the saliva. Short telomeres predispose one to depression, PTSD, and a host of other challenges; while long telomeres present in the healthiest of individuals, and provide a level of resistance to these disorders despite similar circumstances. What brushes by one person will crush the other.


“Women with the highest levels of perceived stress have telomeres shorter on average by the equivalent of at least one decade of additional aging compared to low stress women” (Epel, et. al, 2004, p. 1). 


How does that resonate with your sense of health? These caps have been recording your activities since the day your were conceived. Don't panic, studies have also determined that the length of telomeres can be altered. How? You guessed it! Kundalini Yoga. 


A yogic lifestyle can erase past transgressions against the body and instate a level of health previously believed unachievable. 65-77 year old people practicing Kirtan Kriya for 12 minutes per day over 8 weeks grew new gray and white matter in the brain, increased cerebral blood flow and decreased their probability of acquiring Alzheimer's disease (Lavretsky, 2015).

Sat Nam.


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