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Tune In

Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo (x3)

Aud Guray Nameh, Jugad Guray Nameh

Sat Guray Nameh, Siri Guru Deveh Nameh (x3)


         Is this your brain? When one begins meditating, the brain reacts with insult and negativity. This is an indication that meditation is working! Don't worry, your defenses cannot withstand the pressure of meditation.
Practice, practice, practice. 
You are not your mind. Your mind would like you to believe that you are here to serve every whim of your thoughts. Meditation realigns the relationship you have with yourself into the correct order. Your inner essence takes charge and change is no longer impossible. It's a given. Your best self is longing to emerge and this is part of your suffering. It is only through pain that we pay attention. How long have you been ignoring your wise mind? How often do you turn off the warning signs in your body?  Turn this around and step into your purpose for living. 


Sit. Fold your legs. Spine straight with your hands on your knees. Breathe deep into your belly. Let go of the tension-just for a minute or two. As the billboard lights up with guilt, shame, doubt, just notice and let the river of meditation wash this away. As your proficiency increases, you will begin to crave this time. Settling into the parasympathetic nervous system is calm energy that is infinite and more powerful than any coffee or substance.

Kundalini Meditations

Kundalini Meditations

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